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*____CHOCOlate! <3
sorry i ate your chocolate. )':
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
After 2 years..

Hey guys. I'm back! Whoa, it's been 2 years. There are some minor changes about the site, I see. 

THE NAME OF IT... It became "Blogger". Haha!
Here's the funny thing, I typed "blogspot.com" but then it was replaced "blogger.com"
Haha~ I thought I was in the wrong site or I'd just type wrong. But then, duh!
It has the same logo and it's been 2 years. -___-" 

Enough of rambling such nonsense words, so HOW ARE YOU GUYS? :> 
Me? I've been fine. Why? Well, I'm now a first year college taking up a course that is, uhh, difficult..? :))
Architecture.  >/////< Yup :))
Although it's quite hard, I'll survive. :| =)))))

Bye, 'til next time :>

Chocolate-d @ 3:16 PM | 0 Eaters

Sunday, May 29, 2011
It's good to be baaaaaack!♥

It's been a while `nee~?
How are you, minna?
I hope you're all alright. Wait, you still remember me right?
Haha. Just checkin'. :3
Gomen, I haven't post quite now.
I've been Tumblr-in', Facebook-in'.
*Don't mind the doodle :| =))

Chocolate-d @ 10:00 PM | 0 Eaters

Friday, November 5, 2010

~nyaaa. pau-chan ish sick desu. *sniff*
mou~ I wonder.. uwaaaii.
`nee, minna-sama ish pau-chan a little childish desu~?
hontou ni? *ready to cry* ~nyaaa. *sneeze*
sumimasen minna! *bows*
mou~ i also can't sing good.
I was trying to cover "without word" desu..
demo, I sound horrible ~nyaa :| :((


-- pau ♥

Chocolate-d @ 8:46 PM | 0 Eaters

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ask me anything http://formspring.me/akosipaau

Chocolate-d @ 1:55 PM | 0 Eaters

Monday, October 25, 2010
Stay calm D:

O M G ~! DX

mou~ ..
~nyaaa! >w< I need to be
more calmer than before.
These few days, I'm always
reacting suddenly. mou~
I need to overcome this
and be C A L M E R (=w=), nee~?

E H ~?

souka~ I noticed that i'm too i
ntersted in reading fanfics nowdays T.T
and tests are coming up! uwaaii~!
I need to prepare (=,=)

Mou~ ... What's gotten into me these days? (oT.To)

-- pau
♥ echi

Chocolate-d @ 11:16 AM | 0 Eaters

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Homeworks, Projects and Performance tasks! :(

sorry if i didn't update much :((
the header makes sense DX

* * *

R E C E N T S :

Got an opportunity to join
a band competition.

Too busy handle scheds.
Always using Zincview.
Reading "Kaoru" Fanfics ♥ :)

-- pau :*

Chocolate-d @ 7:59 PM | 0 Eaters

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Too long o.o T.T

~nyaa!! gomenasai minna-sama.
i see that i'm not making blogs weekly.
well, it been a really long time.. almost a month eh? o.o
it's just that me ish too busy with stuff and
laziness always strikes ~nyaa. demo, this time
i wanted to make blogs ;3 nyihi*

[ Updates: ]
- been hangin
g out with friends :)
- practicing.
- sleeping.
- C.O training.

pau-chii ;3

Chocolate-d @ 3:19 PM | 0 Eaters